Why You Should Give High-Efficiency a Try for Your Heating and Cooling Needs

by | Nov 20, 2018 | Heating and Air Conditioning

Saving money on your heating and cooling costs can feel like a dream come true. But how can you make that dream a reality in your home? For many homeowners, the solution begins with installing a high-efficiency AC unit. Here’s what you need to know about these systems and how they help you save money and energy:

Doing More with Less

Air conditioning systems installed in the 1970’s-1990’s were notoriously heavy on energy use. Don’t think that impacts you? Consider this: many Americans use their systems until they simply won’t work any longer, meaning many of those systems are still in use today!

While systems have gotten sleeker and more energy efficient over time, those created in just the last few years have broken the mold for energy savings. Even those replacing units from ten years ago stand to see savings ranging between 20%-60%. Now, that’s a lot of extra energy!

What’s more, these energy savings don’t add up to less efficiency. Today’s air conditioning systems are able to cool more square footage, achieve more comfortable and consistent temperatures, and both clean and dehumidify the air while they do it, all while using less energy than ever before.

Putting Energy Efficiency to Work for You

Shopping for a high-efficiency model of your own? Consider the SEER rating – seasonal energy efficiency ratio – of each model you look at. Higher ratings mean better performance and less energy used – and make for better choices for your new energy efficient heating and cooling approach.

Looking for more information about installing a unit designed for high-efficiency AC in Boerne? Contact your local HVAC professionals to find out just how attainable this energy-efficient solution is and how it can save your family money and help you do your own little part to save energy and be a greener household.

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