When You Have Urgent Need For A Water Heater Service Company in Fort Collins CO

by | May 12, 2016 | Water Heater

Next to the central heating and air system, no one component of the modern home is as important as the water heater. Having a continual supply of hot water for showering, washing, and cooking is vital for modern domestic life. It follows that the heater system and tank must be maintained in top condition or replaced when the time comes.

Most home water heaters are based on a large storage tank. This fifty gallon tank is usually connected either to the gas lines or the house wiring, depending upon the type of system installed and if the house has gas service. Gas water heaters, like the furnace, must have an operating pilot light and a shutoff valve while electric water heaters merely have a heating element and are hooked into the breaker box. Other homes have tankless water heaters installed. A recent innovation, the heating element is coupled to the main water inlet pipe and runs off a digital controller box to provide continuous heated water on demand. Tankless heaters are ideal in homes where little space can be spared for a large water tank, and are easier to swap out for repair or replacement than any tank based system.

It makes no difference which type of system is installed in your own home. But when the time comes to find a Water Heater Service Company Fort Collins CO area HVAC service and retail operators should have the qualified staff to be able to handle any repair or replacement job. Companies such as Advanced Comfort have years in the business of installation, repair and replacement of all the various makes of water heaters on the market. Often times, all that is necessary is a simple service call and the quick replacement of a gas valve or a control circuit. If the heater in question has reached the end of its service life, the only option is a complete replacement. A water heater should be replaced after fifteen years in any case, especially if a new system is engineered for greater energy efficiency. In that case, the new heater is a long-term investment in lower bills and greater home value.

Any water heater job should be handled only by qualified professionals who are thoroughly knowledgeable in their field. This is the most important consideration in engaging any water heater service company in Fort Collins, CO.

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