Signs it’s Time for Residential Cooling Services in Fort Myers FL

by | Jun 21, 2018 | Heating And Cooling

In some cases, a cooling system can just stop working without any warning. One day it works, the next it doesn’t. However, there are other times when something maybe just a little “off” about the system’s performance. As a result, scheduling Residential Cooling Services in Fort Myers FL before a system completely stops working is important. Some signs of a problem that homeowners need to be aware of are found here.

Frost or Ice on the Pipes or Coils

Frost or ice on the air conditioners pipes or coils can be a serious issue. There are several reasons this may occur, including low refrigerant and other issues. If a homeowner notices frost or ice on their pipes, then it’s time to call for Residential Cooling Services in Fort Myers FL, as this is an issue that is only going to get worse as time passes.

Strange Sounds Coming from the Unit

Noise coming from an air conditioning unit is never a good thing. While no air conditioner is going to operate completely silently, if the sounds change, get louder or stranger, then there could be a number of things going on. The air filters may need to be changed, or it could be a blower problem or duct issue. These are issues that a technician will be able to diagnose.

Minimal Cold Air Coming from the Vents

Any reduced air flow in a home can be a simple issue, such as needing to change the systems air filters. In other cases, the ducts may be to blame. If the cooled air is no longer cold, or as cold, then it’s time to call a professional for help.

Don’t underestimate the benefits offered by hiring the professionals for air conditioner work and service. In the long run, this will help ensure that the system continues working properly and that no serious issues arise. More information about when to call for AC service can be found by contacting the professionals at Absolute Temperature LLC. Being informed is the best way to ensure that any AC system continues to work efficiently and properly.

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