Are You Properly Caring For Your Air Conditioners in Omaha, NE?

by | Apr 16, 2018 | Heating and Air Conditioning

Taking care of an air conditioner is vital for ensuring it will work properly throughout its lifespan. Proper maintenance and prompt repairs when issues arise will help to prolong the life of a unit and help a homeowner avoid the expense of replacement. Knowing the proper steps to take for maintaining an air conditioning unit is vital for owners.

Helpful Steps For Maintaining an Air Conditioner

When a homeowner purchases Air Conditioners in Omaha NE, they will be given an owner’s manual that teaches them the steps to take to make sure their system is protected from wear and tear and other forms of damage. Unfortunately, these manuals are not always thorough enough, and some maintenance areas can fall through the cracks and remain undone. The following are some of the easy steps homeowners can take for maintaining their unit.

• One of the easiest and most important steps is making sure the filter is changed or cleaned at least every thirty days. Dusty environments may require more frequent filter changes. If a dirty filter is left in place, the system will not be able to function normally and could end up overheating or freezing up during operation.

• One of the most neglected areas of an air conditioning unit is the outdoor compressor. The compressor needs plenty of room for air circulation and needs to be free of debris to ensure it is not damaged during operation. This unit should be checked after periods of high winds and storms so any debris can be removed. It is also important to make sure all items, including plants, are kept at least two to three feet from around the compressor so it will function as it should.

• Drainage is crucial for any air conditioner as it removes excess moisture from the air. Keeping the draining tray and drainage tube clean is essential. Unfortunately, these areas contain high levels of moisture and can lead to mold and mildew growth that can prevent normal drainage. Keeping these areas flushed with a bleach and water mixture will help to inhibit mold and mildew growth.

Get Professional Service

It is also important a homeowner seeks the professionals for maintenance and repairs as often as needed. To learn more about these services, Browse the website. Contact Accurate Heating & Cooling today and they will be happy to schedule an appointment.

The Must List

