Running Central Air Conditioning in Davenport FL at an Optimum Temperature Increases Productivity

by | Sep 18, 2017 | Heating and Air Conditioning

Residential central Air Conditioning in Davenport FL helps people sleep better and improves their productivity. Household residents feel more comfortable in a climate-controlled environment, especially on those sweltering summer days this part of Florida is known for. Researchers have long known that various aspects of an interior environment affect productivity, including the color scheme and the lighting. The interior temperature is a crucial factor as well.

Setting the Optimum Temperature

The thermostat for Air Conditioning in Davenport FL doesn’t have to be set exceptionally low for people to feel comfortable. Many Florida residents have become accustomed to the interior temperatures of commercial establishments, where the buildings can be downright chilly. At home, they then feel too warm if they set the thermostat at 76 or 78 degrees Fahrenheit.

But the experts recommend having the temperature set there in the summertime. Not only does it save a significant amount of money over setting the thermostat at 72 degrees, but studies also show that people are actually more productive in those temperatures. In fact, Cornell University says that the optimum temperature for productivity is 77 degrees.

Creating a Cooling Breeze

A floor fan or ceiling fan produces breezes that help someone feel comfortable if it still seems too warm inside. Those devices cost remarkably less to run than air conditioning does. The fans are helpful for people trying to sleep as well. They may be tempted to set the thermostat lower, but an oscillating floor fan or a ceiling fan set on a low rotation speed can make a big difference in comfort.

Boosting Productivity in the Home

Household residents may wonder why there should be such an emphasis on productivity in the home. They put in a full day at work; aren’t they now ready to relax? There’s truth in that, but people still want to accomplish goals during their time off. They want to do housework, prepare meals, assist the kids with projects and write emails to friends and family. Central air units as installed by a company like Charles M. Watts Air Conditioning, Inc., and run at optimum temperatures, help a great deal. Contact us today.

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