An HVAC Contractor Bryn Mawr Is Known for Can Provide Advice on Saving Energy

by | May 18, 2016 | Heating and Air Conditioning

An HVAC contractor in Bryn Mawr is known for can offer tips on saving energy and can clear up confusion about the best ways to run a heating and cooling system. For example, homeowners might decide to shut the door to a room that is seldom used and close the vents in that room. That isn’t always effective for lowering energy costs, depending on how the duct work is designed. Most of the vents in a house should stay open, as otherwise increased air pressure can actually force joints apart in the duct pipes. In addition, the air balance throughout the structure can be less suitable and lead to the furnace or central air conditioner cycling on and off too frequently. It’s best to ask a heating and cooling technician for an opinion whether it’s OK to keep certain vents closed. The technician can evaluate the situation during the annual maintenance and inspection service.

A common misconception is that keeping the temperature at the same level all day, even when nobody is home for several hours in a row, is the best for energy efficiency. There’s a theory that the equipment must work harder to bring the temperature back to an optimum level later on, which would wipe out the day’s savings. An HVAC contractor Bryn Mawr is known for is quick to dispel that notion. If nobody will be home for six or more hours, it’s best to turn the temperature down by several degrees in the winter and up by several degrees in the summer.

That doesn’t mean turning the central air off altogether on a day when temperatures are in the 90s, and it doesn’t mean turning the heat down to 50 degrees. In those cases, the equipment would indeed need to run a long time to bring the temperature back to normal. However, turning the temperature up to 84 in the summer and down to 60 in the winter is reasonable when nobody will be around all day. Technicians from a company such as Sheehan Plumbing and Heating can provide additional tips for saving money on heating and cooling bills.

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